Year 5/6 (Fire Class)
Welcome to Fire Class!
2024 - 2025
Welcome to a term!
During this half term, we will be covering…
Fiction (magical settings) and non-fiction (formal letters) in English.
- Multiplication and Division, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages (Y5) and Ratio, Algebra, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages (Y6) in Maths
- Animals: circulation and exercise in Science.
What is life like in the Alps? in Geography.
Health and wellbeing in learning for life (PSHE).
Do we need a deity to be committed to creating a better world? in RE.
Music in France in French.
Online Safety and Data Handling in Computing.
Key Information
PE will be on Mondays and Thursdays.
Weekly spelling tests will be on Tuesday.
Homework/Home Learning
Reading records need to be handed in on a Monday and will be returned on Tuesday.
Homework includes:
Daily reading
Daily spelling practise - spelling shed
TT Rockstars
English and Maths homework
Maths homework will be handed out on a Wednesday and will need to be in by Monday morning (so this can be looked at in class).
English homework will be handed out on a Friday and will need to be in by Thursday morning (so we can go through this in class).
If your child has lost their homework, or is not in school on the day it is handed out, a copy of the homework will be available on this class page (under Maths or English homework).
- Our Smokey Row day is Friday. In KS2, we only visit every other week (weather dependent).
If you need to get in contact with us, please use our class email address: You can expect a response within 2 working days.
If there is anything that needs our immediate attention, please contact the office as the message will get to us quicker than an email to the class!
Best wishes,
Miss Lunnon and Mrs Turney