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Great Kimble Church of England School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


School Bank

It is reported that children's spending habits are ingrained in them by the age of 7; the Trust, alongside EduThing, have therefore designed a concept called School Bank which aims to improve this and support pupils understanding of having to "do things" in order to earn money.


At Kimble, we have linked School Bank with homework - the more frequent homework is complete, the more Kimble Coins are earnt and the more money there is to save or spend in the "shop".


Each pupil has school a bank card which they keep in school and every month / half term they are able to check their balances using the scanner. When homework is collected in, teachers then input the pupils credits online which turns to Kimble Coins.


The aim is to improve homework uptake and also show pupils that they can either spend money instantly or save for something they really want. 


Years 1-6 have successfully been using the school bank for half a term now and it was pleasing to see the positive impact it had. 3 pupils decided to spend their money on stationery with the rest choosing to save their money for something they really wanted. We also saw an increase in homework uptake which is hugely positive.


School Bank Homework Points - Kimble Coins

School Bank Shop
