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Great Kimble Church of England School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Year 1/2 (Air Class)

Welcome to Air Class!





Below you can find some key information about what we will be learning together this half-term.

If you need to get in contact with me as class teacher, please use our class email address:

You can expect a response within 2 working days.

If there is anything that needs my immediate attention, please contact the office

PE is continued to be timetabled for Monday and Friday. Please wear PE kit on these days.  Please check our uniform policy to ensure your child is appropriately and safely dressed to participate in P.E. 


Our Topic: History- What is a monarch?

In this Key Stage 1 history unit, pupils will embark on an engaging exploration of the British monarchy, tracing its illustrious history and understanding the pivotal role it plays in the United Kingdom. Students will begin by learning about the origins of the monarchy, delving into significant historical figures and events that have shaped its evolution. Through a series of interactive lessons and storytelling, children will discover the responsibilities and ceremonial duties of a monarch, as well as the differences between past and present roles.



During this half term within our subjects we will be focusing on the following:


  • English: Writing a journey story with a focus on setting. Model Text: Paddington visits London. 
  • Maths: 
  • Year 1: Place Value (within 10)

       Year 2: Place Value

  • Science: Exploring how seasonal changes affect trees, weather patterns and daylight hours.
  • Learning For Life: Family and Relationships The aim is for children to understand social dynamics by identifying personal friendships and recognising emotional expressions like anger or worry, grasp the importance of teamwork skills, acknowledge and resolve conflicts within friendships, comprehend and challenge stereotypes with examples, recognise both positive and negative aspects of friendships, appreciate the value of manners, acknowledge differing emotions in various situations, and understand how friendliness can foster inclusivity.
  • R.E: Big Question- Who do different Christians believe God is?
  • Music: Tempo (Theme: Snail and Mouse) To effectively teach students about musical tempo and rhythm, begin by encouraging them to use their bodies and voices to demonstrate the concepts of "slow" and "fast." Have them move slowly and then quickly, and alternate between speaking or singing in a slow and fast manner. Introduce a simple rhyme and invite the children to clap or play an instrument such as a drum or tambourine, following the slow and fast beats.


Key Information:



PE is timetabled every Monday and Friday. The children should come to school in their PE kits on these days.


Homework/Home Learning:

Content to follow



Smokey Row is timetabled for Tuesday afternoon, weather and adult ratio dependent.  









