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Great Kimble Church of England School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Year 1/2 (Air Class)

Welcome to Air Class!




Below you can find some key information about what we will be learning together this half-term.

If you need to get in contact with me as class teacher, please use our class email address:

You can expect a response within 2 working days.

If there is anything that needs my immediate attention, please contact the office

PE is continued to be timetabled for Monday and Wednesday. Please wear PE kit on these days.  Please check our uniform policy to ensure your child is appropriately and safely dressed to participate in P.E. 


Our Topic: Sculpture and 3D Paper Play (Art and Design)

This unit introduces pupils to paper-based 3D art forms, focusing on techniques like rolling paper tubes, shaping paper strips, and constructing imaginative sculptures. Children develop skills in creating 3D structures and applying painting skills in three-dimensional art, enhancing their understanding of form and construction.



During this half term within our subjects we will be focusing on the following:


  • English: Writing a meeting story using a range of description (Model Text: Kassmin and the Greedy Dragon) and A non- chronological report with the purpose to inform (Model Text: The vampire dragon) 
  • Maths: Year 1: Multiplication and Division, Fractions and Position and Direction

       Year 2: Fractions, Time and Positions and Directions. 

  • Science: Plant Growth- Investigating seeds, bulbs and plants and recognising the conditions required for germination and healthy plant growth.
  • Learning For Life: Safety and Changing the body- Learning how to communicate safely with adults;  learning steps to crossing the road safely; considering hazards at home; identifying which substances should or should not go in the body; learning what to do when lost; being aware of some of the risks associated with the internet; learning about appropriate and inappropriate contact
  • R.E: Big Question- What do people of religion believe the weekends can be used for? 

       Music: Dynamics, timbre, tempo and motifs with the theme of space. 

Key Information:



PE is timetabled every Monday and Wednesday. The children should come to school in their PE kits on these days.


Homework/Home Learning:

Content to follow



Smokey Row is timetabled for Tuesday afternoon, weather and adult ratio dependent.  









