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Great Kimble Church of England School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


School Development Plan

The SEF (Self Evaluation Framework) allows all schools to self assess against the OFSTED handbook criteria.  The SDP (School Development Plan) identifies the key priorities for the year ahead.


The School Development Plan (SDP) is written in close liaison with all stakeholders including parents, staff, governors and the children at our school. 

The SLT monitor the implementation of the plan within school and the governors monitor the impact closely through governors meetings and visits into the school.


The SDP is evaluated regularly to monitor our progress towards achieving our objectives. The SDP feeds directly into subject specific action plans which identify key actions for senior or subject leaders.


Priority 1

Quality of Education:

Ensure the school curriculum intent and implementation are embedded consistently across the school so that work is of a consistently high quality in all curriculum subjects, with a focus on the wider curriculum areas

  • White Rose Maths, Talk for Writing and Ashley Booth Guided Reading is implemented effectively across the school, for mixed class teaching, and as a result, outcomes improve in all year groups.
  • Implement the Guerrilla Curriculum approach to the wider curriculum
  • Develop Subject Leadership so leaders analyse and further develop appropriate provision in their subjects
  • Develop the role of the RSL to ensure consistent and effective use of assessment tools and strategies

Priority 2


Improvement in attendance so that this is better than national outcomes (for all groups of pupils) and that the rate of persistent absence decreases to be in line with the national average

  • Attendance policy, protocols and expectations to be shared and followed up with parents
  • Daily attendance protocols to be fully embedded to ensure timely communication with parents.
  • Weekly and termly attendance protocols to be fully embedded to ensure timely communication with parents.

Priority 3

Quality of Education:  

Create a positive and supportive learning environment for all pupils with identified SEN - “Every teacher is a SEN teacher”

  • Develop in class support for all pupils with identified SEN
  • Build an ongoing holistic understanding of the school’s pupils and their needs