School Logo

Great Kimble Church of England School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Year 3/4 (Water Class)







We are so excited to welcome you back to school!


 Below you can find some key information about what we will be learning together this half-term.

If you need to get in contact with me as class teacher, please use our class email address:

You can expect a response within 2 working days during term time.

If there is anything that needs my immediate attention, please contact the office as the message will get to me quicker than an email to the class!



 During this half term, we will be…

  • Reading and writing dialogue stories in English.
  • Year 3 will start with studying mass and capacity before moving onto more fractions and money in Maths.
  • Year 4 will start with studying decimals before moving onto money in Maths.
  • Studying classification and habitats in Science.
  • Looking at and creating sculpture in Art.
  • Discussing saftey in Learning for Life (PSHE).
  • Looking at why the Bible is the best-selling book of all time in RE.
  • Continuing exploring Hanami and how music can be used to represent nature in Music.
  • Learning vocabulary for food in French.
  • Continuing looking at website design in Computing.



Key Information



  • PE is every Monday with a PE coach and every Thursday with school staff. Children should come to school in their PE kits on this day.


  • Home learning:
  • Reading at home should be a daily occurrence. Ideally, your child should be reading aloud to an adult everyday, this should be recorded in the reading record.
  • Spelling tests are every Monday. These are handed out on Monday’s to give a week to learn them. Copies can be found below in the Weekly Spellings section. 
  • Maths homework is handed out every Friday and due in the following Friday. Copies can be found below in the Maths homework section.
  • Times Table Rock Stars is also available for your children to play whenever they like, there is currently no set expectation as to how regular this should be.
  • Home learning project books are termly, the grid for this term is attached below and due on Friday 15th March for those who would like to participate.



  • Our Smokey Row day is Friday. In KS2, we aim to visit every other week. This will be communicated via email to let you know when we will be going.


If you have any questions for me, please feel free to send me an email as noted at the top, or can always catch me at pickup of course.


Best wishes,
Miss Butler 


Home Learning Grid - Spring Term 2024
