School Logo

Great Kimble Church of England School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Year 3/4 (Water Class)




If you need to get in contact with me as class teacher, please use our class email address:

You can expect a response within 2 working days during term time.



 During this half term, we will be…

  • Writing warning stories, focussing on describing setting then moving onto debate in English writing lessons.
  • Reading ‘The Legend of Podkin One-Ear’ by Kieran Larwood in English reading lessons.
  • Both year groups will be starting with recapping place value before moving onto Addition and Subtraction in Maths.
  • Exploring volume, pitch and how sound travels in Science.
  • Discovering the world of Ancient Egypt in History.
  • Discussing friendship and personal boundaries in Learning for Life.
  • Looking at the different kinds of people who are inspired by the stories of Jesus in RE.
  • Using the coding platform ‘Scratch’ to build animation skills in Computing.
  • Learn greetings and how to introduce ourselves in French.



Key Information



  • PE is every Tuesday with Miss Butler.
  • Swimming is every Thursday. The start date of this is TBC, you will be emailed with all the relevant information before this begins.


Weekly Home learning:

  • Children should read every day. This should be aloud to an adult at home minimum three times a week.
  • Spelling tests are every Monday. 

New lists are handed out on Monday’s to give a week to learn them. Copies can be found below in the Weekly Spellings section. 

  • Maths homework is handed out every Friday and due in the following Friday.

Copies can be found below in the Maths homework section.


Other home learning

  • Times Table Rock Stars is also available for your children to play whenever they like.
  • Duolingo is also available for the children to practise their French skills at home.



  • Our Smokey Row day is Wednesday. In KS2, we aim to visit every other week (weather and adult ratio-dependent).


If you have any questions for me, please feel free to send me an email as noted at the top, or can always catch me at pickup of course.


Best wishes,
Miss Butler 

