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Great Kimble Church of England School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Friends of Kimble School (FOKS)



Who we are

Friends of Kimble School, FOKS, is a registered charity and exists to organise events and fundraise. Our aim is to bring together the school community and enhance our children's time at Great Kimble School. Every parent and grandparent of a child registered at the school is automatically a member.


What we do

We aim to provide pupils of Great Kimble School with the extra tools that make learning especially fun and interesting. We do this by fundraising through fairs, film nights, quiz nights and lots of other activities. Our aim is to make our events fun and sociable, so families have a great time, get to know each other and strengthen ties between us and the school. You will find lots more information in the leaflet below.


Great Kimble is a small school and so it’s important that every parent helps out. To give our children the best start, we need every parent to help raise funds. Volunteering with FOKS can also be a great way to make new friends! Like to get involved? Contact us using the form below, speak to your class rep or come along to the next committee meeting. All welcome!


In 2024, we introduced FOKS CUBS - these are pupils from the school who offer ideas and support on events. 

We hold numerous events throughout the year to raise funds for the school, including fayres and bake sales.


Great Kimble School. Summer Fayre 2019 Great Kimble School. Summer Fayre 2019 

Second Hand Uniform

If you would like to purchase second hand uniform please do so at one of our after school uniform sales which will be advertised via the school website calendar.

Our Bank Details


Account Name: Friends of Kimble

Account Number: 00330973

Sort Code: 20-85-73

Contact us

If you would like to get in touch with us, please complete the simple form below.
