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Great Kimble Church of England School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust



Great Kimble C of E School provides an inclusive, supportive and caring environment based on Christian values, in which children can learn, flourish and be motivated to acquire skills for life and a love of learning. 


The governors have made every effort to ensure that these arrangements comply with the School Admissions Code 2014 and all relevant legislation, including that on infant class sizes and equal opportunities.


Although Great Kimble C of E School is an academy within the Great Learners Trust, who are the admissions authority, the Trust chooses to participate in the Buckinghamshire co-ordinated admissions scheme. Parents should apply for a school place to the Admissions and Transport Team at Buckinghamshire Council, County Hall, Aylesbury:


Please follow the link below for the appeals timetable: 


Appeals Timetable Link


Details of the LA arrangements are in the Buckinghamshire Guide for Parents booklet, available online.  The Guide explains how parents can express a preference for a school and give reasons for that preference. Decisions on which children are to be offered a place will be made according to the admissions criteria as set out in this policy.


Information about appeals is published by Buckinghamshire Council each year by 28th February on the above link. Their site also details the oversubscription criteria.


The Pupil Admission Number at Great Kimble Church of England School is 15. 

Our classes are:

  • Earth Class (Reception) - 15
  • Air Class (KS1) - 15 in Year 1 and 15 in Year 2
  • Water Class (LKS2) - 15 in Year 3 and 15 in Year 4
  • Fire Class (UKS2) - 15 in Year 5 and 15 in Year 6.

Admission Arrangements 2024

Admissions Arrangements 2025

Great Kimble C of E School Catchment Area

The catchment area of the school is Great and Little Kimble, Kimblewick, Marsh, North Lee, parts of Butler’s Cross, and Ellesborough. We also currently have a number of pupils from out of catchment. You can check the catchment area of Great Kimble C of E School by clicking on the link below. Once the window has opened, click on the school name on the left hand side and then on the purple pin to see the catchment area for the school.


Catchment Map


All Other Admissions and In Year Admissions

Admission to the school during the school year depends on whether or not there are places available.

All applications must be made via Buckinghamshire Council Admissions and Transport Team. If there is a vacancy, and there is no child on the relevant waiting list with a higher priority (according to the over-subscription criteria) a place will be offered.


Apply for an in-year transfer to Great Kimble School

Bucks Admissions & Transport contact details and web page 


The Admissions & Transport team advise parents wishing to contact them in the first instance, to use their "Contact Us" form. This provides the team with all the information that they require to enable them to answer parents' enquiries promptly.  


Admissions and Transport 'Contact Us' form

Other useful links:


Any queries or comments please contact the office email: 
