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Great Kimble Church of England School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


PE and Sports Premium

At Great Kimble, we aim to provide a variety of PE and sports activities for our children so they learn different skills and enjoy a wide variety of games and sports. We try to ensure that your child has at least two hours of physical activities a week. PE takes place across the week for KS1 and KS2 (please see class pages) and Reception pupils have regular ‘physical’ sessions. We also take part in GLT run events over the year. 


Sports Funding at Great Kimble C of E School

The four objectives of the Primary PE and Sport Premium funding are:

• To improve the quality of existing PE teaching through continuing professional learning in PE for generalists, so that all primary pupils improve their health, skills and physical literacy, and have broader exposure to a range of sports
• To increase participation levels in competitive sport and healthy activity of pupils, and maintain these into adolescence
• To increase the quality of initial teacher training in PE and sport, and to promote PE specialisation in primary level workforce
• Schools understand and value the benefits of high quality PE and sport, including its use as a tool for whole school improvement.


The 5 Key Indicators:

1. Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity

2. Profile of PE and sport is raised across the school

3. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and Sport

4. Broader experience of a range of sports

5. Increased participation in competitive sport.


Possible uses for the funding might include:

• Hiring specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work with primary teachers when teaching PE
• Supporting and engaging the least active children
• Paying for professional development opportunities for teachers in PE and sport
• Providing cover to release primary teachers for professional development in PE and sport
• Running sport competitions, or increasing pupils’ participation in the School Games
• Buying quality assured professional development modules or materials for PE and sport
• Providing places for pupils on after school sports clubs and holiday clubs


Each year we report on the impact and spending of this grant and our report can be found below:

DfE PE and Sports Premium Guidance
