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Great Kimble Church of England School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

In 2011-2012 the government launched Pupil Premium funding. The Pupil Premium funding is additional money for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and diminish any differences between them and their peers. The Pupil Premium funding is given to schools based on the numbers of pupils in the school who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM). From 2012-13, it was expanded to include all children who have been eligible for FSM within the last 6 years.


In addition to FSM, the school will also receive Pupil Premium funding for any ‘Looked After Children ’ (children in care) or for those children who are now adopted.  The school will also receive 'Services' funding for any children with parents serving in the armed forces.


The funding is allocated to a range of initiatives aimed at supporting disadvantaged pupils, to ensure they benefit from the same opportunities as all other children and to ensure that they reach their full potential in line with their peers and other pupils nationally.


Nature of support that could be provided:

​1. Additional support, including class based or specific intervention work to accelerate progress of targeted groups or individuals.

2. Learning support to enable children to fully access learning and accelerate progress where there are specific barriers other than identified Special Educational Learning Needs.

3. Pastoral work which undertakes work to raise self-esteem, extend their personal skill set, improve attendance and punctuality and support children to make appropriate choices in order to maximise learning opportunities.

4. Out of hours and curriculum enrichment to ensure that children are given opportunities to access the full curriculum, develop other talents in sport and creativity and also improve self confidence and motivation for school.


Objectives of Pupil Premium spending

Our key objective in using the Pupil Premium Grant is to diminish the difference between Pupil Premium and non Pupil Premium children. Historically levels of attainment nationally have been lower for those pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals. At Great Kimble School every child matters and our aim is for each child to develop to their full potential.


As with all our pupils, each child is treated as an individual. We acknowledge that all children develop at different rates and the additional funds received from the Government assist us in ensuring we are able to provide targeted interventions and support to try to eliminate barriers to learning and progress. It also allows us to provide further aspirations for all pupils through giving them a wider range of experiences than they may otherwise have.


The governing body scrutinises how this extra money is spent to ensure that pupils benefit from the extra funding. The Headteacher meets with the Pupil Premium Governor on a termly basis to review the impact of the spending.


To view our current and previous Pupil Premium reports please click on the links below.

New Pupil Premium Strategy Plan - Year 1 of 3 2024-2027

KS2 2024 Headlines:

Great Kimble: 67% of disadvantage pupils met the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)

National 45% of disadvantaged pupils met the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)


If you think you may be eligible, please speak to the Headteacher. To find out more about Pupil Premium, please click on the GOV.UK link below.
