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Great Kimble Church of England School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust



"I love learning new sounds in phonics, I can show my brother how to spell and we play the fun games at home...I think Bug makes reading fun!"

(Reception Child)


At Great Kimble we value reading and writing as a life skill, and are dedicated to enabling our pupils to be excited about reading. The teaching of reading has a high priority throughout our curriculum. 

This begins with the systematic teaching of phonics throughout EYFS and Key Stage 1, and for pupils in KS2 where needed. Through a structured and consistent approach to the teaching of phonics, pupils acquire phonic knowledge and develop key skills in segmenting and blending, where possible building on previous learning, to become a confident and fluent reader. They will apply this knowledge when reading carefully matched texts.

At Great Kimble we also value and encourage pupils to read for enjoyment and recognise this starts with the foundations of being exposed to a range of high-quality texts; through their own reading, a language rich reading environment and being read to regularly by adults.

We aim for children to read words and simple sentences by the end of EYFS, become successful, fluent readers by the end of Key Stage 1 and develop a lifelong love of reading as they move through school, showing a greater understanding of more complex texts as they do so.


Phonics In Action

Pupil Voice

Useful websites - support for parents

All you need to know about phonics - Bug Club Phonics

Sophie Thomson, Head of English and extended curriculum at Pearson, explains on this video the basics of phonics, how they work and provides practical guidan...
