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Great Kimble Church of England School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Collective Worship and Spirituality


Dear God,

Give us strength to forgive, endurance to weather life’s storms and fill our hearts with hope. Teach us to respect others and our differences and instil in us a spirit of thankfulness. May love be our guiding light, now and always.


Collective Worship at Great Kimble School

Worship forms a very special part of daily life in school. It is a time to learn from Bible stories and events, share an understanding of God’s love and relate our Christian Values to our everyday lives. It is also a time for prayer and reflection and an opportunity to refer to current world-wide events or issues which may, or may not, affect our lives.


We believe that it is important to develop core values by which to live and moral standards that build children's character, spiritual awareness and self-esteem. We actively promote diversity through our celebrations of different faiths and cultures. Religious education lessons and Learning for Life lessons reinforce messages of respect and tolerance for others. Members of different faiths and religions are encouraged to share their knowledge to enhance learning within school. 

Our Visions and Values

Great Kimble Church of England School’s Vision

In our inclusive Christian vision all our learning community are welcomed and celebrated. All are nurtured and supported to love, learn, live and grow. Together we live out the values of respect, thankfulness, love, hope, forgiveness and endurance.  We aspire to be a school community where all can flourish.


The Biblical Roots

A schools Christian vision is based in biblical roots and we have chosen 1 Corinthians as the basis of our new vision. 


1 Corinthians 13:7 Love never gives up; and its faith, hope and patience never fail.


Our School Motto

Love, Learn, Live


Our School Values

Our vision encompasses our school Christian values that underpin all we do at Great Kimble. These were chosen by the children, staff and governors and are explored through our daily acts of collective worship.


Respect, Thankfulness, Love, Hope, Forgiveness and Endurance.


Our ethos, vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment that prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens. Our school welcomes all children into a caring, Christian community where every child matters, and is valued for their individuality. We embrace children from all cultures and faiths, and those with no religious beliefs. We foster kindness, empathy for others, tolerance, a clear understanding of right and wrong whilst together sharing the joy of learning.

Coming Together as One

Our Collective Worships at Great Kimble Church of England School reflect our religious and cultural learning, our Christian values, our ethos and our school rules. Our worships are a special time for use to engage and reflect, typically our whole school worships are delivered as follows:

  • Prepare our Altar

  • Call and Response

  • Engage and Respond

  • Reflect and Inspire

  • Song and Prayer

  • Send Out


Call and Response

Daily Focus:IntroductionReflectionChurch Worship & Rev TimPicture News Celebration
Call & Response

“This is the day the Lord has made” Let us rejoice and be glad in it

“As we pray to the father” Lord, send your spirit

“Grace, Mercy and Peace be with you” And also with you

“God is love” All the time “All the time” God is love

“The Lord is with us” Let us praise his name together



Daily Prayers

The children come together and are invited to pray during our Collective Worship but also before they eat lunch and at the end of the day:


Lunch Time Prayer

Thank you for the world so sweet,

Thank you for the food we eat,

Thank you for the birds that sing,

Thank you God for everything.



End of Day Prayer

Lord, Keep us safe this night,

Secure from all our fears,

May angels guide us while we sleep,

Until morning light appears.


Church Worship

Our children participate in, and contribute to, Wednesday Worship every half term at St Nicholas’ Church. This occurs at 9.00am and lasts approximately 25 minutes. Parents and their families are invited to attend and reflect together in a warm and welcoming environment.


Spirituality at Great Kimble

We believe that we can explore Spirituality by educating the whole child, providing full life experiences to meet this desire, which includes using our outside learning environment to support the spirituality of every member of our community.


Our Spirituality Statement
Spirituality is an ongoing, reflective journey. It is something that teaches us about questioning, understanding and relationships: relationships with ourselves, others, the world and beyond.

Spirituality enables our children to be happy, flourish, succeed and live life in all its fullness.


We use the following visual tools to support pupils to explore Spirituality.


The window provides opportunity for children to look from a safe space and take time to wonder and think about the world around them.  

The mirror provides opportunity for children to reflect on their experiences, learning from life by exploring their own insights and those of others

The door provides opportunity for children to respond, do something to develop ideas and learn to live out their beliefs and values.


Every 5 years the school receives an Inspection known as the Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools. Please see our latest report following the link below:
