Performance and Inspection Information
Below are our most recent inspection reports and relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Tables.
2024 Performance Data for Great Kimble
We are incredibly proud as a school to be working above national average across the curriculum in KS2 - please take a further look at the break down of our most recent performance data.
SIAMS - Church of England School Inspection.
We are extremely proud to be a Church of England School that has been recognised for living up to its foundations as a church school, meeting Judgement 1 in the inspection framework.
J1: "Through its vision and practice, the school is living up to its foundation as a Church school and is enabling pupils and adults to flourish."
Our Christian Vision
"In our inclusive Christian vision all our learning community are welcomed and celebrated. All are nurtured and supported to love, learn, live and grow. Together we live out the values of respect, thankfulness, love, hope, forgiveness and endurance. We aspire to be a community where all can flourish"
Living this vision each and every day means that the school ensures our love for one another underpins the learning needed for life. Therefore, pupils who attend our school, the staff who work here and other members of the school community live the school values, grow and flourish.
To find out more about what it is like to be a valued member of our school community, please read the SIAMS report below.
Please read the headteachers covering letter before reading the full Ofsted report.