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Great Kimble Church of England School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Reception (Earth Class)

Welcome to Earth Class

"Together Is A Wonderful Place To Be"



Summer 1 in Earth Class...

In Earth Class we are going to be taking a step back in time to the land of the dinosaurs! We will be developing our creative skills using a wide range of medias including colour, collage, materials and music. Now the Summer term is here we are going to be using the outside and our natural environment to create, problem solve and learn...Let the Sun Shine! 


Summer Term 1


Over Arching Theme: Together we will Create...

Once Upon a Time





WOW Day/Class Experience: Dinosaurs Rock! (Art Gallery) & Class trip (to be confirmed)

Learning for Life: Building Relationships (My Family and Friends)

Nursery Rhyme Basket: Cultural & Traditional Rhymes

Music & Movement: Musical Stories


Together we will…

  • Talk about family, friends and special relationships.
  • Identifying what makes a good friend and how we can be a good friend.
  • Immerse, Imitate, Innovate and Invent using our new Talk for Writing texts 'The Little Green Dinosaur' (Fiction) and 'Our Dinosaur Egg Hunt' (Non-Fiction)
  • Found out about dinosaurs, naming them and identifying how and where they lived.
  • Exploring everyday materials, investigating their properties and carrying out simple experiments. 
  • Creating with colour and collage.
  • Investigating numbers to 20, addition, subtraction, shape and sharing during our White Rose Maths lessons. 
  • Moving onto Bug Club Phase 4 phonics.
  • Exploring music through stories and our imagination.


This is only a small snapshot of all the fantastic adventures we will be taking this half term. You can find more of what we will be doing on our Curriculum Overview within the Class Documents folder on this page.


Helpful Hints: 

  • Please ensure that all uniform, water bottles and bags are clearly named.
  • In Earth class we play outside whatever the weather so please make sure your child has a suitable coat, sun hat and a water bottle (Learning through Play is thirsty work!)
  • Reading books will be changed weekly, We aim to read with children 1-2-1 twice a week.
  • Bug Club e-books will be updated according to the phase and week the children are on.
  • When books are sent home, reading should be a daily occurrence. Ideally, your child should be reading aloud to an adult everyday, this should be recorded in the reading record.
  • Visits to Smokey Row will be on a Thursday
  • Handwriting sessions taking place every Friday
  • A Library session will take place on a Friday


If you need to get in contact with me as class teacher, please use our class email address: 

You can expect a response within 2 working days.

If there is anything that needs my immediate attention, please contact the office as the message will get to me quicker than an email to the class!

Mrs Hunt
