Religious Education
At Great Kimble, the RE curriculum has been designed so that our learners gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of faiths and views from across the world and develop an enthusiasm, love and curiosity to know more about all faiths. Using the ODBE 2023 units as a basis, the RE programme of study has been mapped with focus, appropriateness, coherence and sequentially. New knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before, setting the foundation for future learning. At Great Kimble, we use an enquiry-based scheme of work, covering the principal world faiths and humanism in a progressive way from Reception to Year 6. Throughout all the enquiries, the children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural education is carefully considered.
Our curriculum takes pupils on a journey through a range of concepts driven by three core strands: Beliefs and questions, Community and identity and Reality and truth. These strands will create connections between substantive and the disciplinary knowledge, and the units will include opportunities for the development of personal knowledge. The aim is to develop curiosity in pupils lives and equip them for future learning about, as well as enabling them to make sense of, the complex world of religious and non-religious worldviews.
Beliefs and questions will focus on theology, looking at the core beliefs and diverse interpretations of text, symbols and teachings of the chosen religions and worldviews.
Community and identity will focus on Human and Social Science and using data and other sources to examine practices and human expressions of religious and non-religious beliefs.
Reality and truth will focus on philosophy and ethics, looking at how people decide what is true and reliable drawing on the worldviews covered in the other units. It is in these units that pupils will have the opportunity to explore the wider concept of what a worldview is and how people reach these ideas.